The future of content generation is here.

We call it Smartcontent.

Our technology takes your existing content and makes it more engaging. Really quickly. Powered by generative AI.

100x faster content generation.

Ridiculously easier too.

Future of content generation

Is your content a bit

Let’s discuss what it can do for you.
Quick, you only have 
8 seconds*

Your audience today isn’t engaging with a big page of words like they used to. They have to see and understand the message very fast to show any interest. 
*Source: Statista

Can it be consumed on a mobile?

Over 80% of emails are consumed on a mobile these days (Source: Adobe). So if it can’t be opened and easily consumed on that device, there is no hope.

How long is it taking you to produce?

Time is money and it’s not the best use of your skills to create more engaging content. Outsourcing can cost a bomb too not to mention take a long time.

Smartcontent by GoUpscale

The future of content generation has arrived.


More engaging content in minutes

No more onerous and time consuming process to create new formats. Now everything can be done inside of a software tool.

Smartcontent by GoUpscale

The future of content generation has arrived.


No change to your content creation process

No new software to adapt to, no change to the way you produce raw content today, but now you have tools to format and augment with just a few clicks.

Smartcontent by GoUpscale

The future of content generation has arrived.


In a variety of formats

Today’s audience consume a wide variety of formats and your content needs to cater to this too. Choose from a variety of different format and design templates.

Smartcontent by GoUpscale

The future of content generation has arrived.


From factsheets to brochures, complex to salesy

The software works with a wide variety of content types, not just research articles and reports. It’s company introductions, factsheets and performance updates, product brocures and termsheets.

The future is Smartcontent.

Let's discuss what it can do for you.
Those firms that adopt gen AI quickly... apply it to areas like investment content, will reap the rewards.
 The rest risk being left behind.

Source: The Future of Asia Wealth Management 2024

Why Smartcontent?

So fast

Populate pre-defined templates with a fraction of the time required

Incroporate compliance approved templates
Appealing designs
Deploy more modern formats
Powers client engagement
Enables more content to be delivered to prospects and clients

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How wealth and asset managers can use technology to make more and better content, faster

Today’s technology can make shopping faster, easier, and more precise than ever before. So why are consumers still waiting in line?
From slow checkout lanes to absent associates, in-store shoppers are still struggling with the same headaches they’ve always faced. Online, the situation is only slightly better.

Now it's easy to make your content engaging.

That's great for your teams and your clients. And transformative to your business.